Thursday, March 25, 2010

Chadbury's get to work!

Chadbury's packaging department had to solve a big problem this week when they realised that their bags would not be big enough for the giant cookies.
Luckily, the clever guys in the packaging department solved the problem and came up with some great designs too!

We have been a company for a couple of years called Chadburys Chocolates.We make all kinds of products like biscuits,chocolate and even giant biscuits!
The puplic tatsed our biscuits and said that our biscuits were fantastic they also said that any body would love them.

Our advertising teams have made radio jingles and the rest have been advertising.
One of our employes said that one of our jingles is catchy.

We have a manger which is strict but very nice he said that any body
who had good work will get a pay rise.

They tested the size with a template, just the right size for the biscuits.
Hope you will enjoy our treats.
By employe Katie and Caitlin


  1. The cookies were yummy I have never had a strawberry sherbert cookie before.
